Responsible investing
For wealth managers, such as ourselves, who are entrusted with the stewardship of our clients’ capital, it is important to ensure that ESG considerations are embedded within our responsible investment processes.
Engaged in stewardship
As responsible investors, we are engaged in the stewardship of the businesses we invest in on behalf of our clients. We use our influence as shareholders to improve investee companies’ own ESG practices and performance. We do this by engaging (directly and collaboratively) with companies where we have material shareholdings and by voting at shareholder meetings. As good stewards of our clients’ capital, we seek to encourage better business practices which will both enhance value and reduce potential risks as well as improving the impact of holding those investments on the both the environment and wider society.
Stewardship & Responsible Investing Annual Report 2022
Responsible Investment Policy
Voting Policy
SRD II Engagement Policy
Sustainable Disclosures
Proxy Voting Report
TCFD Report
Responsible Investment Transparency Report
Corporate Responsibility Report
To find out more about our work on responsible investing, explore our 2023 Corporate Responsibility Report.
Risk Warning
The value of investments, and the income from them, may go down as well as up and investors may get back less than the amount originally invested.
Ethical funds
Please note that some ethical funds may, by definition, have a limited investment universe; this may affect performance.