Core Managed Portfolio Service

Managing an investment portfolio is a complex challenge, requiring continuous monitoring and research.

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The Core Managed Portfolio Service (MPS) is a dedicated investment management proposition, ensuring diversification and risk management is maintained to keep your portfolio effectively managed throughout the investment cycle.

Investors are given a choice of seven growth risk-rated models, and two income-focused strategies.

The models are managed and built using a range of investment tools including passives (ETFs and tracker funds). with open-ended funds This structure offers diversification by asset class and product type, giving our investment managers additional flexibility to respond to changing market conditions.

How Evelyn Partners can meet your needs

  • A dedicated MPS investment team, supported by over 80 investment professionals, giving access to our broad intellectual capital
  • When you choose to access the Core Managed Portfolio Service via a platform, the investment agreement we put in place is between Evelyn Partners and the financial adviser firm. The responsibility for initial and ongoing suitability of the strategy rests with the financial adviser and we are responsible for managing the portfolios
  • Clients can clearly see each underlying asset held and their portfolio values via the platform or through our monthly factsheets
  • Ongoing monitoring of the Core MPS is undertaken by a range of third-party providers including Dynamic Planner, Defaqto, FinaMetrica, Synaptic, EValue and Oxford Risk ensuring the risk mapping of the models is regularly reviewed and within the framework required by our financial adviser partners

How are the model portfolios constructed?

  • The managers draw heavily upon Evelyn Partners’ proprietary asset allocation framework, Efficient Frontier and fund research processes
  • Asset allocation constraints are employed to ensure consistent levels of exposure to the underlying asset classes but within this, the managers look to take an active approach
  • The models are rebalanced throughout the year, typically quarterly, to reflect the team’s views on markets and to access investment opportunities
  • The portfolios are continually monitored to ensure the levels of risk remain consistent with each strategy’s investment mandate

You choose the platform

Our Managed Portfolio Service is available direct via Evelyn Partners or is also administered by a wide range of external platform providers, which preserves the relationship between clients and adviser.

We aim to have our portfolios available across platforms that we know can effectively support your needs, and also our management of the portfolios.

Available direct via Evelyn Partners or:

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Important information

The value of investments, and the income from them, may go down as well as up and investors may not get back the amount originally invested.

This information is for UK residents only.

If you are a US-connected client of Evelyn Partners, see our US website.

Our Core MPS has achieved a 5-star Defaqto rating since 2019