Discretionary Portfolio Service

A bespoke portfolio with a dedicated investment manager. 

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At the core, it’s the relationship between the financial adviser and investment manager that allows us to achieve personal investment objectives, while keeping all parties informed in clear non-jargonistic language.

Our flagship Discretionary Portfolio Service is intended for clients where a tailored portfolio is most appropriate to meet an individual’s specific goals. At the heart of our process, we seek to preserve and grow the real value of client assets through time. This service enables you to maintain close client contact while delegating the responsibility for managing your clients’ investments to Evelyn Partners.

How Evelyn Partners can meet your needs

  • You’ll have direct access to the investment managers looking after your clients’ portfolios, which means we can react swiftly to your request for current circumstances
  • An Evelyn Partners investment manager will manage capital gains within the portfolio
  • Our tailored service can combine the use of direct holdings from global developed markets with the very best-of-breed, third-party funds to create client portfolios
  • We always challenge fees and pass on any benefit directly through to clients
  • Flexibility to accommodate ethical preferences and exclude certain asset classes or funds
  • Investments can be managed in line with a client’s unique income requirements
  • We take on the administration for in-specie stock transfers
  • The portfolio can be administered for the benefit of the whole family, including the children
  • Regular meetings to review progress towards client goals, our activity on your behalf and the performance of investments
  • We search beyond traditional collectives, and look at Gilt ladders and structured products to maintain a sustainable income stream
  • We provide ongoing risk management through internal monitoring, periodic reviews and regular feedback
  • Keep informed with quarterly reports, via your personal client login for up-to-date portfolio information, and by calling or emailing your personal account management team

Investment management services for US-connected clients

Due to the complexity around US reporting requirements, many investment managers find US-connected clients too onerous to work with. However, our dedicated US team has the experience and supporting infrastructure to meet these needs and we can provide a full range of discretionary investment services to US-connected clients.

In most cases, clients’ assets are held with our New Jersey-based custodian, one of the world’s largest, which provides safe custody and all the necessary US tax reporting.

The minimum portfolio size for this service is US$300,000 or sterling equivalent.

Offshore investment management

Our comprehensive investment management capability means we can also provide investment services for those seeking custody offshore. We have a truly global client base and considerable experience working with non-UK situs assets and non-UK sourced income.

Clients with offshore portfolios receive the same highly-personalised service as those with accounts held in the UK and their investments are managed using the same tried and tested philosophy.

Important information

The value of investments, and the income from them, may go down as well as up and investors may not get back the amount originally invested.

This information is for UK residents only.

If you are a US-connected client of Evelyn Partners, see our US website.