Laura McWhirter
Business tax
Areas of expertise
Laura is a senior manager within our business rates team and specialises in helping businesses reduce their business rate liabilities. Laura utilises business rate rental valuation methods and challenges value, advises on empty rates and makes appropriate relief applications to advise on opportunties for businesses to reduce their business rate assessments.
Laura is an experienced surveyor in the real estate industry and a member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. Her experience includes commercial property and asset management from a leading real estate consultancy and a FTSE 250-listed real estate investment trust and now specialises in business rates tax. Her experience covers a wide range of sectors including Logistics & Industrial, Healtcare, Education, Retail, Leisure and Hospitality.
Notable client work and achievements
Successfully reviewed business rate liabilties and challenged assessements with the Valuation Office Agency to save clients money.
Making necessary relief applications on behalf of clients with relevant local billing authorities.
Assisting with business rates audit work to secure historic credits from local billing authorities.
Provided continuous budgetary advice and real-time forecasting
dataWorked closely with clients to ensure any vaccant premises are maximising on their business rate savings.
Professional qualifications and memberships
Chartered Surveyor, Member of RICS (The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors)