Reviewing an investment portfolio during periods of uncertainty is a wise move, so let Bestinvest do it for free

  • Bestinvest offers free investment coaching with qualified financial planners worth hundreds of pounds - whether you are a platform customer or not
  • DIY investment platform also gives away free portfolio health checks worth up to £500 to any customer transferring in more than £50,000 

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Published: 22 Jul 2022 Updated: 26 Jul 2022

At a time when many investors are eyeing the markets with some trepidation, Bestinvest is launching two new offers to help the UK’s army of Do-It-Yourself investors reassess their investment portfolios and ensure they are still on track to hit their financial goals.

The global markets have endured a turbulent six months with sharp declines in both the equity and bonds markets against a backdrop of high inflation, rising borrowing costs and slowing growth. After a long bull market of rising share prices, many DIY investors have found their ISAs and pensions hard hit from being too heavily exposed to areas like US equities and sectors such as technology and communication services.

Those with existing investments may be worried about portfolios dropping in value during the current market turbulence, while those new to investing may be nervous about buying into the markets amid so much uncertainty.

With this in mind, now might be a sensible time for DIY investors – those who make their own investment decisions without an adviser – to re-evaluate their investment journey, either by setting a new goal to invest toward or by reviewing existing investments to ensure a portfolio is on track.

To help DIY investors through this process, Bestinvest, the investment platform that revamped its offering in May with new features including investment coaching and new digital risk assessment and goal planning tools, has released two new offers to help investors get their portfolios in shape.

Offer one: Free coaching session with a qualified financial planner

Under this new offer, Bestinvest’s 45-minute coaching sessions are now open to anyone who needs help, support or information on their financial planning or investment objectives – whether they are an existing Bestinvest customer yet or not.

Free investment coaching for customers has been a standout feature of Bestinvest’s recent relaunch, as the brand became one of the first players in the market to recognise the value of providing investors with guidance on what they could do with their money.

Unlike advice, where an adviser spells out what an investor should do with their money and makes specific recommendations, a coaching session aims to empower those seeking help to make their own investment decisions.

Bestinvest’s coaching service is one of the only free services in the market with other providers charging rates varying from £60 to almost £300 with services only open to existing customers.

Coaching sessions with Bestinvest can be booked directly through the website, with meetings held by video link or over the phone. Prior to the meeting, there is an option to complete an online risk assessment and fact find questionnaire, if you have opened an account.

The coaches can provide guidance on whatever query investors have during their investment journey - from reassurance for those with existing investments on the performance of their portfolio, to tips on sustainable investing or how to ensure a pension lasts your entire retirement.

The service can also help those new to investing identify their financial goals and how they might achieve them whether it is investing to pay off a mortgage, finance a child’s university education or fund retirement.

During the coaching session, the financial planner will run through some key questions, such as what type of help the person is looking for, what goals they are seeking to achieve and what financial decisions they have made so far.

Jason Hollands, Managing Director at Bestinvest, said: “Recent research from Bestinvest found that 80% of investors think that investing with a life goal in mind and tracking their path towards achieving that target, leads to more successful results*.

“This is because goal-based investing helps to focus the mind on a timescale and the appropriate amount of risk to hit a financial target. That is why our free financial coaching is so valuable in the current market conditions as it guides and informs DIY investors on how to navigate their portfolio successfully through volatile times. During the session, the coaches empower those seeking help with the right tools to make their own investment decisions to ensure they achieve their financial targets.”

Note: To redeem the offer, simply log onto the Bestinvest website and click on Book a coach, which will take you directly to a calendar where you can select a time and date that suits you. For customers, there are no limits on the number of free sessions.

Remember, coaching focuses on what investors could do with your money. The coaches cannot offer direct financial advice, but they can discuss investments and financial plans or refer you to an adviser if you want a personalised investment recommendation.

* Bestinvest’s Life Goals Study surveyed 2,000 people across the UK between the ages of 18 to 65+. The survey was carried out by global market research firm 3Gem between May 13 to May 18 2022.

Offer two: Free Portfolio Health Check or Investing For Your Goals advice for customers that transfer more than £50,000 to the platform

A free portfolio health check, worth £495, offers both the experienced DIY investor and the novice still in the early stages of their investment journey, a full analysis of their portfolio with tailored advice on what actions to take next.

A one-off analysis by a qualified investment management professional can help identify whether a portfolio is sufficiently diversified and whether the asset mix is appropriate for the investor’s risk profile, objectives and time horizon. The health check will also provide buy, sell and hold recommendations to help improve both the balance of the portfolio and quality of the holdings, with no requirement to follow the advice or any ongoing advice commitments.

Once a £50,000 transfer has been made into a Bestinvest investment account, the customer can choose between one of two advice packages.

The first option, Investing for Your Goals, normally worth £295, will see a financial planner talk through an investor’s goals, establishing what the customers wants to achieve and the level of risk they want to take, before recommending either a Ready-made Portfolio or a blueprint for creating their own portfolio. Ready-made Portfolios are professionally managed to suit different risk profiles and invest across a wide range of funds, which are rebalanced regularly and adjusted to reflect the outlook. The range includes low cost and sustainable options.

The second option. a Portfolio Health Check, worth £495, will see an investment manager review a customer’s existing investments and then make suggestions to ensure their portfolio is still on track to hit their goals and accurately reflects their attitude towards risk.

After the session, the adviser sends a report outlining the best strategy to employ going forward, whether that’s keeping existing holdings or recommending switches.

Hollands from Bestinvest said: "While some DIY investors are confident and enthusiastic about investing in shares, funds and investment companies, the recent turbulence in the market could mean their portfolio is not performing as well as they would hope.

“A fresh pair of eyes offering a new perspective on how to fine tune their holdings – or potentially a more substantial overhaul could ensure a portfolio is rebalanced to better reflect a person’s attitude towards volatility and their timeline for hitting an investment goal.

“Similarly for novice investors keen to start their investment journey, support and guidance in the early stages can set them off on the right path and give them the reassurance that they are making the right decision.

“The key thing about both coaches and advisers is that they are there to listen, acting almost like an investment counsellor, as they understand the challenges or concerns an investor has, and can then tailor their guidance or recommendations to the investor’s unique scenario.”

Note: To redeem this offer, existing and new customers must deposit or initiate a transfer of £50,000 by August 31, 2022. Advice can only be given once the transfer is complete. Customers must redeem their advice session within three months. Please quote the promo code NEWTRANSFERADVICE to your adviser to redeem the offer.

By necessity, this briefing can only provide a short overview and it is essential to seek professional advice before applying the contents of this article.

This briefing does not constitute advice nor a recommendation relating to the acquisition or disposal of investments. No responsibility can be taken for any loss arising from action taken or refrained from on the basis of this publication.

Investment does involve risk. The value of investments and the income from them can go down as well as up. The investor may not receive back, in total, the original amount invested. Past performance is not a guide to future performance. Rates of tax are those prevailing at the time and are subject to change without notice.

Clients should always seek appropriate advice from their financial adviser before committing funds for investment. When investments are made in overseas securities, movements in exchange rates may have an effect on the value of that investment. The effect may be favourable or unfavourable.

About Bestinvest

Bestinvest is a multi-award-winning, digital investment platform and coaching service for people who choose to make their own investment decisions but with the support of tools, insights and qualified professionals. It offers access to thousands of funds, investment trusts, ETFs and shares through a range of account types, including an Individual Savings Account, a Junior ISA for children, a Self-Invested Personal Pension and General Investment Account.

Alongside providing investors access to an extensive choice of investments, Bestinvest also offers a wide range of ready-made portfolios for people seeking a managed approach that suits their risk profile, saving them the need to select and monitor their funds themselves. These include a highly competitively priced ‘Smart’ range that invests through low-cost passive funds, as well as an ‘Expert’ range that invests with ‘best-of-breed' managers.

Bestinvest provides investors with a unique range of new features to help people better manage their long-term savings, including free investment coaching from qualified financial planners, low-cost fixed fee advice packages and advanced tools to help people plan goals and monitor progress towards achieving them.

Bestinvest is part of Evelyn Partners, the UK’s leading wealth management and professional services group created by the merger of Tilney and Smith & Williamson in 2020. Evelyn Partners is trusted with the management of £59.1 billion of assets (as of 31 December 2023) by its clients, who are private investors, family trusts, entrepreneurs, businesses, charities, financial advisers and other professional intermediaries.

Bestinvest is a trading name of Evelyn Partners Investment Management Services Limited, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

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