Leading discretionary investment manager Tilney is set to launch a Sustainable Managed Portfolio Service (MPS) this month into the financial adviser market through its Tilney for Professionals arm. The suite of centrally managed sustainable portfolios have well-established track records of delivering strong risk adjusted returns, having been originally launched in September 2011 as a service for Tilney’s direct clients. From 3 August, the Sustainable MPS range will be made available to the financial adviser market for the first time in order to cater for the growing appetite from UK financial adviser community for strategies matched to client risk profiles that combine active asset allocation, rigorous fund selection and incorporate environmental, social and governance criteria.
The six Sustainable MPS strategies accommodate a wide range of client risk profiles: conservative, cautious, balanced, growth, adventurous and maximum growth with the guideline ceiling for equities exposure ranging from 40% through to 100%. The range of asset classes within the portfolios includes equities, bonds, property, absolute return, commodities and cash. Portfolios are regularly rebalanced to ensure they remain within their risk framework and are tilted within this to reflect the views of Tilney’s Asset Allocation Committee. Each portfolio typically invests across 15 – 20 underlying collective investments, including OEICs, unit trusts and ETFs, selected by Tilney’s central investment team.
The minimum investment for the Tilney Sustainable MPS service is £50,000, enabling financial advisers to offer their clients a high quality investment management service at a relatively modest threshold. The adviser remains responsible for risk profiling their client and recommending the appropriate strategy, supported by a dedicated relationship manager at Tilney. An extension of their open architecture MPS service, the sustainable range has a 0.6% + VAT annual management charge, inclusive of Tilney preferred custody solutions, reporting and online application for clients. It is available across all tax wrappers, including ISAs, SIPPs, SSAS, and Offshore Bonds. Tilney can provide a valuation feed into a wide range of adviser back office systems including Adviser Office, Enable, Intelliflo, Time4Advice and Xplan.
Craig Wright, Managing Director, Head of Business Development, Tilney for Professionals, commented: “Demand for sustainable and ethical strategies has been growing exponentially in recent years as private clients, trustees and charities have been increasingly concerned about issues such as climate change, plastic pollution and standards of corporate governance. With amendments to MIFID II being introduced requiring ESG considerations to be a mandatory part of the suitability assessment for clients, it is imperative that financial advisers are able to meet the needs of their clients with high quality, managed solutions, We are really excited to be launching these strategies into the adviser market. These are proven strategies, with very strong track records built around a disciplined investment process, enabling advisers to offer access to a diversified, and sustainably focused discretionary management service.”
This release was previously published on Tilney Smith & Williamson prior to the launch of Evelyn Partners.