Tilney joins WealthiHer network

20 Jul 2020
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The WealthiHer Network announced today that Tilney, the 180-year-old investment and financial planning group, has joined as its latest partner.

“Collaboration and partnership are essential to achieve our aims. It’s for this reason that I am delighted to announce that Tilney is our latest partner. With an impressive 180-year heritage and leading expertise both managing investments and financial planning it’s a delight to work with another organisation that truly recognises the value of women” said Tamara Gillan, CEO, WealthiHer Network

Founded in 2019 the network is an essential force for change, championing the transformation of the financial industry’s approach. In turn, helping women to be more understood, accepted and catered for and in doing providing support to protect and grow their wealth.

Its report* into the financial services market found that:

  • 70% of women lack financial confidence
  • Only 10% of IPOs on the London Stock Exchange are led by women
  • Women lose a staggering £1m of investment earnings over their lives
  • Only 1% of venture capital goes to female founders.

These statistics are further compounded by the knock-on impact of the Coronavirus pandemic with numerous reports highlighting this.

The most recent study from Oxford University shows that women are disproportionally affected by the economic ruin left in the wake of the lockdowns with female employees more likely to be furloughed or made redundant. In addition, the responsibility of childcare and looking after elderly relatives falls firmly into the female lap.

“Launching WealthiHer was about changing their financial outlook by supporting women and helping to protect and grow wealth. In the new, Covid pandemic, world and with women being disproportionately affected our ambitions about redressing this imbalance are even more relevant than ever.” added Tamara.

Tracy Sian Browne, Director, Investment Management at Tilney said: “With the financial fallout of the pandemic expected to hit women harder than men, it has never been more important for women to have access to sound financial advice and a robust investment strategy in place to help them navigate this difficult time and beyond. WealthiHer is therefore the ideal partner for us at this time as we look to protect and support the financial futures of women clients.”


This release was previously published on Tilney Smith & Williamson prior to the launch of Evelyn Partners.