Expert determination

Expert determination is an alternative method of dispute resolution, which avoids the Courts and is an established feature of the process for resolving disputes in an M&A context.

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If the parties have agreed to resolve their dispute through expert determination, then we can act as the determiner for that dispute.

How Evelyn Partners can meet your needs

  • Expertise

  • Integrated team

  • Communication

  • Global reach

What we can help with

We have experience of acting as expert determiners in the following types of disputes:

  • Post-closing disputes: for example, those concerning working capital adjustments under share purchase agreements
  • Earn-out disputes: disputes which typically arise one or more years post-closing
  • Operational determinations: for example, considering the allocation of costs in accordance with joint operating agreements
  • Valuation disputes: for example, in a dispute involving the buyout of a minority shareholder

Our credentials

We have a significant track record of acting as expert determiners for over 20 years.

Example cases:

  • Acted as an expert determiner in a €50 million closing balance sheet dispute considering the valuation of stock (inventory) under IFRS
  • Acted as an expert determiner in a profit-based earn-out dispute in the software development industry (UK GAAP)
  • Acted as an expert determiner to decide a dispute between an oil major and a NOC about the cost-sharing provisions of the JOA for certain categories of cost
  • Acted as an expert determiner to decide on the split of assets in the dissolution of a substantial infrastructure joint venture to achieve a contractually pre-determined split of value